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About us

President’s Message

Welcome to the website of the Center for Nuclear Industrial Policy.

The Center for Nuclear Industrial Policy (CNIP) aims to serve as an industrial think tank. The CNIP was established in February 2024 to provide policy directions not only for electricity production through power generation but also for a wide range of other fields in the nuclear power industry, such as managing nuclear fuel life cycles, producing hydrogen from water using nuclear power, and generating sources of heat energy for industrial use. The CNIP strives to fulfill such policies in the mid- to long-term.
Despite its short history, we believe that the CNIP has a critical role to play for the future of our country.

Under our operating philosophy of“actional policy research driven by national on-site demand,”we will concentrate and invest human and material resources in identifying problems at the industrial sites of nuclear power plants and proposing solutions. We will also strive to research and analyze key regulatory issues, supporting their resolution, as licensing and regulatory streamlining are particularly crucial for promoting and revitalizing the nuclear power industry. Another important role of the CNIP is to analyze legislative demands that should be prioritized to reinforce the foundation for the further development of the nuclear industry through laws and institutions.

We will build and uphold a reputation as the leading think tank in the national nuclear power industry, presenting policy directions in diverse fields of nuclear power generation and systematically and professionally designing and preparing for their implementation. At the same time, we will explore possibilities and directions for positive changes.

We will do our best to communicate and cooperate effectively to ensure that the research results produced by the Center for Nuclear Industrial Policy are reflected in legislation and government policies and gain public backing.
I hope that you will continue to back us with your ongoing interest and support.Thank you.

Center for Nuclear Industrial Policy Wonseok Park